Book about pilot of enola gay

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How many clouds have darkened the horizon of other valuable lives. We have been discussing the 'clouds of sorrow' that have obscured a bright and beautiful life, that afforded food for meditation. 'In calling me by the strange name of 'Enola,' I wonder if my dear departed parents received a glimpse of the future life of their child in a camera, speaking to them of her life of loneliness,' mused Enola, 'for truly I am alone.' Rather fear Him that is able to destroy both soul and body. They are displays of his wrath, Oh! eternal woes! Deliver us from the 'Prince of Darkness.' Deliver us from his fiery embraces. The Prince of the Air certainly causes them, since he has control of our atmosphere.

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How harsh his midnight cry! It seems to shriek, in mournful sounds, Death! Death!

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